Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Opening Day!

Well here I am again. You might already know my first website/ blog that I've had already for over 2 years now. it's not so popular as I'd think it would be currently. To visit my website please click this blog and you'll be at my other blog. Or if you rather you can click the link right over here --> www.starpling.blogspot.com go ahead visit it and try my polls or visit some of my favourite links if you like. This blog is my newest one where I'll be posting pictures I've made, and used photoshop or Gimp to fix up. Hopefully I'll be able to make my first website starpling.com soon. I'll post comics, stories, and lots of things on my deviantART page over here --> www.starpling.deviantart.com which has lots of stuff. But I'll post things here probably more often than on deviantART. Well the picture at the top is still WIP (work in progress) so it's not finished yet. I'm working on it so You'll get to see the finished product soon! Hopefully though because I'm working on a meme right now so it might be a bit slow, I'll try my bestest though!!! Oh and sorry it's tilted to the side that's how I drew it and scanned it when it's done it'll be straight no worries!!!